Landlords are held accountable for their actions, according to Housing and Credit Counseling.
“According to Abigail Panecatl, the Tenant & Landlord Program Manager at Housing and Credit Counseling, Kansas law mandates that landlords must provide trash collection services to tenants. Additionally, the law ensures that landlords offer safe and livable housing to their tenants.”
According to Panecatel, the initial step involves documenting the issues at hand.
If you decide to attempt recovering financial losses, this information could be of assistance to you.
“You should ensure that you have all your documentation readily available and that you can effectively explain your losses and why the landlord is responsible for compensating you,” advised Panecatel.
If you’re dealing with issues that need to be resolved, it can be helpful to involve the City Code Enforcement. They have the authority and resources to address and fix these problems.
Panecatel suggests reaching out to the authorities to report the issue and request an inspection. By doing so, they can identify the problem and take appropriate actions. The authorities have the power to issue citations and provide the landlord with a deadline to resolve the issue.
If the landlord is not fulfilling their lease and you have another place to live, it is advisable to issue this notice as a last resort.
According to Panecatel, the landlord must provide a 14-30 day notice of noncompliance, allowing them sufficient time to address and resolve the issue in good faith.