Ford County Targets Plastic Industry in Class Action Lawsuit Over Waste

Kansas county targets plastics industry in class action lawsuit Kansas county targets plastics industry in class action lawsuit

Ford County, Kansas, has filed a class action lawsuit against major petrochemical companies, including ExxonMobil, accusing them of misleading the public about the recyclability of plastics. The lawsuit claims that the plastics industry has engaged in deceptive marketing campaigns, falsely promoting plastic recycling as a viable solution to plastic waste. The county describes plastic waste as a “public nuisance,” citing reports that highlight the extremely low plastic recycling rates in the U.S. — currently at about 5-6%.

According to the lawsuit, the plastics industry’s claims about the effectiveness of recycling are fraudulent, as recycling plastic is neither technically nor economically feasible. The lawsuit also refers to the growing awareness among the public about the industry’s failure to address the environmental consequences of plastic production and waste.

ExxonMobil responded by defending its recycling efforts, stating that they are investing in advanced recycling technologies and have processed millions of pounds of plastic waste into usable materials. The company urged governments to collaborate with them on solutions to improve recycling.

Industry groups like America’s Plastic Makers® criticized the lawsuit, calling it misleading and accusing Ford County of using claims from activist groups like Greenpeace. They argued that significant investments are being made to improve plastic recycling and prevent pollution, and suggested the county should focus on enhancing its own recycling infrastructure instead of pursuing legal action.

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