9-Month-Old In Critical Condition After Mother’s Boyfriend Gives Bear Hug

A 9-month-old baby in Kansas City is currently fighting for his life after suffering serious injuries at the hands of his mother’s partner. Jordan Boggess, the partner, allegedly dropped baby Waylon due to his “sweaty hands” and then gave him a bear hug until his wailing stopped.

His health was critical. When baby Waylon arrived at the hospital, physicians discovered that he had bilateral brain hematomas, spinal cord injury, and extensive retinal hemorrhage behind his eyes.

Mary Close, on behalf of Waylon’s mother Bessie, discussed the incident on a GoFundMe page. She informed me that Jordan faces charges and is currently in jail. When they arrived at Freeman Hospital in Joplin, they determined that this was not a case of aspiration or choking. He had some damage on his head, which told them that it was a child abuse case.”

Reports state that the hospital admitted baby Waylon due to seizures. Fortunately, the convulsions ended after a medically induced coma, but physicians were able to foretell how baby Waylon’s life would progress.

“They said baby Waylon will not be the same baby,” said Close. “If he makes it, He’ll be wheelchair-bound. He will not be able to talk. He will not be able to feed himself.”

Updated On Baby Waylon’s Recovery

On Facebook, the family has been providing regular updates on baby Waylon’s progress. Once the doctors discontinued baby Waylon’s coma medication, a positive change was observed in his condition. He displayed movement in his left arm and responded to his mother’s voice. Eventually, baby Waylon even managed to open his eyes.

Bessie shared an update expressing her excitement over witnessing her baby boy’s eyes opening, a beautiful testament to the remarkable healing power at work.

According to Bessie, baby Waylon has made progress and is now able to breathe independently. While he is breathing on his own, the swelling in his airway poses a challenge without the assistance of a tube. Despite this, his family remains optimistic that his breathing will continue to improve and that he will eventually be able to breathe without the need for the tube.

Baby Waylon’s family is facing an incredibly challenging situation that has taken a toll on them. Despite the difficulties, they hold onto hope as they navigate through this difficult journey. Tyler Burbridge, baby Waylon’s grandfather, expressed his feelings of being at a loss for words. He shared how as parents, their primary role is to protect their children and be there for them. This fight they are enduring is undeniably the toughest battle they have ever faced.

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Scott Aust
Scott Aust is a dedicated journalist specializing in local news across Kansas State. As a writer for greatergc.com, he covers a diverse array of topics including crime, public safety, politics, and community events. Scott is committed to delivering precise and timely information, ensuring that the community stays well-informed.