65-year-olds May Be Eligible For Direct Payments On The Following Paydays In The U.S.

Seniors aged 65 in the United States may be eligible for various monthly payments, including Social Security retirement benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Understanding the payment schedules and eligibility criteria is crucial to ensuring you receive the benefits you deserve.

Upcoming Payment Date: August 30, 2024

If you’re eligible for SSI, mark your calendar for August 30, 2024. This is when the Social Security Administration (SSA) has scheduled the SSI payment for September. This payment is specifically for low-income seniors aged 65 and older. If you qualify, you can expect to see a direct deposit or check in less than 24 hours from this date.

Who Qualifies for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

SSI is a federal program designed to help seniors aged 65 and older, as well as individuals under 65 who have a disability or are blind, provided they meet the low-income requirements. If you don’t qualify for SSI, you may still be eligible for Social Security retirement benefits.

Social Security Retirement Benefits: September 2024 Payment Dates

For those receiving Social Security retirement benefits, there are four key paydays in September 2024:

September 3: For those who started receiving benefits before May 1997.

September 11: For retirees with birthdays from the 1st to the 10th.

September 18: For those born between the 11th and 20th.

September 25: For retirees with birthdays from the 21st to the 31st.

To qualify for Social Security retirement benefits, you must have worked for at least 10 years and paid sufficient payroll taxes. However, the Full Retirement Age (FRA) is now shifting to 67, so 65-year-olds may need to consider applying for SSI if they haven’t earned the required 40 work credits.

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