Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in Tennessee in 2024!

Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in Tennessee in 2024! Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in Tennessee in 2024!

In 2024, Tennessee residents are increasingly concerned about their safety, and for good reason. With rising crime rates in some of the state’s most populated cities, the need for vigilance in residential areas has never been more critical. From the bustling streets of Memphis to the serene neighborhoods of Chattanooga, Tennessee has seen a variety of suspicious activities that should not be ignored. Whether you live in a sprawling urban area or a quiet suburb, knowing what to look for and when to call the police can make all the difference in keeping your home and community safe. This article will guide you through the specific items and activities that should raise alarms, especially if you spot them outside your house.

Tennessee’s Unique Safety Landscape

Tennessee’s crime landscape in 2024 presents a mixed picture. While the state boasts scenic beauty and rich cultural heritage, it also faces significant challenges in terms of crime, particularly in certain urban areas.

According to recent statistics from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), the state’s crime rate remains higher than the national average. In 2023, the violent crime rate in Tennessee was approximately 673 incidents per 100,000 people, compared to the national average of 398 per 100,000 people. This places Tennessee among the top ten states in the U.S. for violent crime. Cities like Memphis and Nashville contribute heavily to these statistics, but they are not alone.

  • Memphis: Often highlighted for its high crime rates, Memphis has a violent crime rate of about 1,943 incidents per 100,000 people, making it one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Gang-related activities, drug trafficking, and poverty are significant contributors to the city’s crime problems.
  • Nashville: The capital city, known for its vibrant music scene, has also seen an uptick in crime. With a violent crime rate of 1,113 per 100,000 residents, Nashville faces challenges in its urban neighborhoods, where economic disparity often leads to increased criminal activity.
  • Chattanooga: While smaller than Memphis and Nashville, Chattanooga is not immune to crime. The city has a violent crime rate of 1,006 per 100,000 people. Economic factors and drug-related issues contribute to its crime rates.

These statistics underscore the importance of staying alert, especially when unusual objects or activities are noticed in your neighborhood.

Common Suspicious Items to Watch For

Increased vigilance often begins with recognizing what might seem like minor anomalies. Here are some objects or signs that should prompt a closer look and potentially a call to the police:

  • Abandoned Vehicles: A car that’s parked on your street for days without moving can be a red flag. Criminals often use abandoned vehicles as observation points, or to stash stolen goods before moving them. In Memphis, there have been cases where vehicles left in residential areas were later found to be involved in drug trafficking or other illegal activities.
  • Strange Packages or Bags: A bag or package left unattended on your property or nearby should never be ignored. It could be an innocent mistake, but it could also be an indicator of criminal activity, such as drug drops or even potential explosives. In Nashville, police have responded to multiple calls where seemingly innocuous packages turned out to contain illegal substances.
  • Markings on Homes: Some criminals use chalk, paint, or even stickers to mark homes as potential targets. These markings could be signals to burglars or vandals, indicating the presence of valuables or the lack of a security system. In Chattanooga, a series of burglaries were traced back to homes that had been marked in a specific way by a criminal gang.

These objects might seem harmless, but they could be a precursor to more serious incidents. Understanding the significance of these signs can help prevent crimes before they happen.

Why Certain Items or Activities Are Red Flags

Criminals often use seemingly innocent items or activities to mask their true intentions. Understanding the logic behind these tactics can help you recognize when something is amiss.

For example, abandoned vehicles are often used by criminals to scout out neighborhoods. By parking a car and observing the area over time, they can identify patterns in residents’ comings and goings, which helps them plan their crimes. Similarly, leaving packages or bags in certain locations can serve as markers or drop points for illegal activities. These objects allow criminals to communicate or pass goods without direct contact, reducing their risk of getting caught.

Markings on homes are another common tactic. Criminals might use a specific color of chalk to indicate that a house is an easy target, or they might leave a sticker on a mailbox to signal to an accomplice that the homeowners are away. These subtle cues are easy to overlook but can have significant implications.

In Tennessee, there have been several cases where these tactics were used successfully by criminals, leading to a spate of burglaries and vandalism. By recognizing these signs early, residents can take action and potentially thwart criminal plans.

Cities in Tennessee with Higher Risks

While the entire state should remain vigilant, certain cities in Tennessee are particularly prone to these types of suspicious activities.

Memphis: Gang Activities and Crime Hotspots

Memphis, as previously mentioned, has one of the highest crime rates in the country. Gang activity is particularly rampant, with over 185 identified gangs operating in the city. These gangs are involved in everything from drug trafficking to armed robbery, and they often mark their territories in residential areas. In neighborhoods like Frayser and Whitehaven, residents have reported strange markings on homes and vehicles, which were later linked to gang-related crimes.

Nashville: Rising Concerns in Urban Neighborhoods

Nashville’s rapid growth has brought both economic prosperity and increased crime. In neighborhoods like North Nashville and East Nashville, residents have seen a rise in suspicious activities, including abandoned vehicles and unexplained packages. The city’s police department has been proactive in addressing these issues, but the sheer volume of incidents makes it difficult to respond to every call immediately.

Chattanooga: Economic Factors and Crime

Chattanooga’s crime issues are often tied to economic factors. The city has struggled with high poverty rates, which contribute to its crime statistics. In areas like Alton Park and East Lake, residents have reported seeing strange markings on homes, which were later connected to a series of burglaries. The Chattanooga Police Department has advised residents to report any unusual signs immediately to help prevent further crimes.

These cities represent some of the highest-risk areas in Tennessee, but the lessons learned here can be applied statewide. Whether you live in a major city or a small town, it’s essential to stay alert and report anything that seems out of place.

Steps to Take if You Notice Suspicious Activity

If you notice something unusual outside your home, it’s important to take the right steps. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Do Not Engage Directly: Avoid approaching the suspicious object or person. Engaging directly can be dangerous, especially if the situation involves a criminal.
  2. Document the Activity: Take note of any details that could be helpful to law enforcement. This might include the make and model of an abandoned vehicle, the appearance of a suspicious package, or the exact location of any markings on your home.
  3. Report to Local Law Enforcement: Contact your local police department to report the suspicious activity. Be as detailed as possible in your report, and follow any instructions provided by the authorities.
  4. Use Neighborhood Watch Programs: Many communities in Tennessee have active neighborhood watch programs. Participating in these programs can help you stay informed about local crime trends and provide a network of support if you notice something suspicious.
  5. Utilize Community Apps: Apps like Nextdoor and Citizen can help you stay connected with your neighbors and alert you to suspicious activities in your area. These platforms often provide real-time updates and allow residents to share information quickly.

Taking these steps can help ensure that your community remains safe and that any potential threats are addressed promptly.

Real-Life Stories from Tennessee

Hearing from residents who have experienced these situations firsthand can provide valuable insights. Here are a few real-life stories from Tennesseans who took action when they noticed something unusual:

  • Memphis: In early 2024, a resident in the South Memphis neighborhood noticed a strange vehicle parked outside her home for several days. The car was eventually linked to a series of robberies in the area. Thanks to her quick thinking and detailed report to the police, the suspects were apprehended, and the stolen goods were recovered.
  • Nashville: A homeowner in East Nashville reported seeing a man leave a package on her porch and walk away quickly. She contacted the police, who discovered that the package contained stolen electronics from a nearby burglary. Her vigilance helped solve the crime and led to the arrest of the burglar.
  • Chattanooga: In the spring of 2024, a family in the St. Elmo neighborhood noticed a small chalk marking on their mailbox. Concerned, they contacted the police, who informed them that this was a known tactic used by burglars. The family’s report led to increased patrols in the area and the eventual arrest of a group responsible for several break-ins.

These stories highlight the importance of paying attention to your surroundings and taking action when something seems off. In each case, the residents’ vigilance and prompt reporting helped prevent further crimes.

Tips for Enhancing Your Home’s Security

In addition to staying alert, there are several steps you can take to enhance your home’s security:

  • Invest in a Home Security System: Modern security systems offer a range of features, including surveillance cameras, motion detectors, and remote monitoring. Installing a system can deter criminals and provide you with peace of mind.
  • Improve Outdoor Lighting: Well-lit areas are less attractive to criminals. Ensure that your home’s exterior, particularly entry points like doors and windows, is well-lit. Motion-activated lights are a great option for enhancing security without increasing energy costs.
  • Secure Windows, Doors, and Garages: Make sure all windows and doors are locked, especially when you’re not home. Consider upgrading to reinforced doors and windows, and install deadbolts for added security. Don’t forget to secure your garage, as it’s often an easy target for burglars.
  • Trim Landscaping: Overgrown bushes and trees can provide cover for criminals. Keep your landscaping well-maintained to eliminate potential hiding spots.
  • Join or Start a Neighborhood Watch Program: Being part of a neighborhood watch group can help you stay informed about local crime trends and provide support if you notice something suspicious. If your community doesn’t have a program, consider starting one.


Tennessee is a beautiful state with vibrant communities, but it also faces significant challenges when it comes to crime. By staying vigilant and knowing what to look for, you can help protect your home and neighborhood from potential threats. Whether it’s an abandoned vehicle, a strange package, or an unusual marking on your home, don’t hesitate to call the police if something seems off. Your quick action could prevent a crime and keep your community safe.

As we move through 2024, let’s all commit to being more aware of our surroundings and taking the necessary steps to enhance our security. By working together and staying informed, we can create safer neighborhoods for everyone in Tennessee.

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