Andrew Bailey Demands Answers On The Number Of Migrants Being Sent To Missouri From The Border

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is seeking answers from the Department of Homeland Security regarding the number of foreign nationals being flown from the border to Missouri amidst the ongoing border crisis. Additionally, he is requesting answers from Democratic leaders in St. Louis and Kansas City, county clerks, county prosecutors, airlines, and transportation companies.

Bailey filed a lawsuit against DHS, urging the court to enforce a Freedom of Information request that demands the agency to disclose documents and communications related to the transportation of undocumented foreign nationals to Missouri. It is evident that the agency has disregarded federal law by failing to provide the requested records.

Bailey criticized the Biden Administration for their continuous efforts to obstruct and bypass the law, with the intention of concealing information from the American public. He specifically highlighted their recent refusal to disclose details about the transportation of illegal immigrants into Missouri, which he believes is only a small part of a larger pattern. According to Bailey, this pattern involves the government employing tactics of delay and diversion to avoid fulfilling legally requested documentations under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In Missouri, individuals who defy the law, even if they are part of the federal government, are held accountable. Bailey expresses his determination to persist until he acquires the necessary answers for the people of Missouri.

According to the complaint, the Missouri Attorney General’s Office suspects that the Biden Administration is intentionally transporting illegal aliens from the border to different parts of the country. The office has been trying to obtain public records on behalf of Missouri citizens but has faced interference from the federal government. Instead of promptly providing the requested documents, the Department of Homeland Security has responded with a denial, citing a misinterpretation of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

In June 2022, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), led by the former attorney general Eric Schmitt, who is now a U.S. senator, submitted a FOIA request with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). However, DHS refused to comply with the request, according to Bailey. Later, upon discovering new evidence that illegal immigrants were being transported from the border to Kansas City and St. Louis by air, Bailey amended the FOIA request to make it more specific. Despite the amendment, his request was still denied, leading him to file a lawsuit.

In his efforts to safeguard the integrity of elections, he took the initiative of reaching out to county clerks through written correspondence. The purpose of these letters was to emphasize the importance of enforcing election laws. Recognizing that there are over 72,000 illegal aliens currently living in Missouri, he expressed his concerns about the potential for unregistered and illegal voting. As Missouri prepares for upcoming elections, he urged everyone to remain vigilant and combat any form of voter fraud.

Bailey emphasized the significance of county clerks in upholding the security of state elections. He highlighted that they are the primary safeguard and expressed his office’s readiness to support the enforcement of election laws.

The Attorney General made a proactive move by reaching out to county prosecutors and offering his assistance in prosecuting crimes committed by foreign nationals. He expressed his concern about the pressing issue of illegal immigration and the negative consequences it brings to every state. In his letter, he emphasized the need to address the unrestricted flow of illegal aliens crossing the borders.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson has taken action after learning about the Biden-Harris administration’s alleged transportation of “illegal aliens” into St. Louis and Kansas City. Expressing concern over the undisclosed flights, Parson has reached out to the cities’ Democratic mayors to obtain more information. In separate letters, he highlighted the administration’s disregard for federal immigration laws and potential fraud within the program’s application process. Parson emphasized the need for transparency, questioning whether any city officials were aware of or involved in these activities, potentially violating state law. The governor’s aim is to ensure that the citizens of Missouri are informed about these developments.

He asked the mayors to provide him with the communication between city employees and federal officials regarding transportation.

All major airlines and transportation companies were sent warning letters by him regarding the state law that prohibits them from knowingly transporting illegal foreign nationals within Missouri.

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