Kevin Sullivan, famously known as “The Taskmaster” in the world of professional wrestling, passed away at the age of 74. A legendary villain in the ring and a creative booker behind the scenes, Sullivan was revered for crafting captivating storylines that left a lasting impact on the sport.
Though the exact cause of death wasn’t disclosed, Sullivan’s family had set up a GoFundMe in May, revealing that he had “suffered a devastating accident.” The accident led to emergency surgery that saved his leg and life, but he later faced severe complications, including sepsis and encephalitis.
Throughout his storied career, Sullivan squared off against wrestling icons like Hulk Hogan, Dusty Rhodes, and The Road Warriors.
WWE executive Triple H paid tribute on social media, stating, “Kevin Sullivan had one of the most unique minds in the history of our industry, pushing creative boundaries and developing some of the most intriguing characters to step into the ring. He had an unwavering passion for what we do. My thoughts are with his family, friends & fans.”
AEW and the wrestling world mourn the passing of the legendary Kevin Sullivan. Our thoughts are with his family, his friends and his fans.
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 9, 2024
Originally from the Boston area, Sullivan made his mark early in his career with World Championship Wrestling. He formed factions like the Varsity Club, Army of Darkness, and the Dungeon of Doom, engaging in memorable feuds with some of the sport’s biggest stars.