Wes Allen Warns Alabama Residents Of ‘misleading’ Voter Registration PSA

Wes Allen, the secretary of state of Alabama, has issued a warning to the public about a false public service announcement currently broadcast.

Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen is cautioning residents about a misleading public service announcement that is currently being broadcasted in the state. The PSA, which is being distributed by Vote411, an operation of the League of Women Voters, instructs citizens to register to vote using the Vote411 website. However, according to a statement from Allen’s office, the website captures the visitor’s personal data, including their IP address and contact information. Once the information has been collected, the individual is directed to the Alabama Secretary of State’s website.

Allen has exposed this data-mining collection effort as a sham, and has warned Alabamians against using it. The League of Women Voters’ website’s fine print discloses that “The League may, from time to time, share the name and mailing address of its non-member financial supporters with other non-profit organizations.” However, this is hidden in a small link that they hope no one will read.

Citizens of Alabama can be assured that the Secretary of State’s office and local election officials are fully equipped to handle voter registration in the state. There is no need to use a data collection website like the one being managed by the League of Women Voters, which may give your personal data to other entities without your knowledge and could potentially put your privacy at risk.

Alabama residents who meet the eligibility criteria can easily register to vote either through the official website www.AlabamaVotes.gov or by sending a voter registration form to their local Board of Registrars via mail.

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