A high school senior’s parking space honors fallen Indiana police officers

A remarkable high school senior from Fairmount, Indiana has made a touching tribute to the Indiana police officers who lost their lives while on duty during her time in school. Rather than using her senior parking space for her own personal use, she has dedicated it to these brave officers as a symbol of her gratitude and respect for their service and sacrifice.

Seniors in Indiana high schools are given the opportunity to personalize their parking spots by painting and decorating them.

In a social media post, Sheriff Del Garcia of Grant County expressed his pride in Avery Jentes.

According to the sheriff, Avery is the daughter of Deputy Doug Jentes and Stacey Konazeski, who works as an administrative assistant to the Marion Police Department chief. After graduating from Madison-Grant High School, Avery aspires to pursue a career in law enforcement.

The State Road 9 is where the school is situated, right on the border of Madison and Grant counties. It takes approximately 70 minutes to reach the school from downtown Indianapolis if you drive northeast.

On Sunday, several law enforcement agencies in and around Avery’s school acknowledged her commendable effort through various social media posts.

The Howard County Sheriffs’ Office recently shared a social media post commending Avery’s remarkable gesture of honoring fallen officers from 2012 to 2024. The post labeled Avery’s effort as incredible and praiseworthy.

According to a post by the Howard County Sheriff’s Office, the badge or unit numbers displayed signify the brave officers who served their duty.

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