4-year-old Spits Out ‘blood-covered Burger King Meal’ As Family Faces Health Scare

A mother is extremely angry and upset after finding out that her young daughter’s Burger King meal was covered in blood, leading to the child having to undergo monthly blood tests. Tiffany Floyd was initially under the impression that the red substance on her 4-year-old daughter’s burger and chips, purchased from a Burger King in Getzville, New York, was ketchup. However, upon closer inspection, she was horrified to discover that it was actually blood.

When the youngster requested her meal without ketchup, Tiffany was taken aback to discover traces of blood upon inspection. The shocking incident, which Tiffany recounted in a TikTok video, left her appalled. “I gave her the bag to eat the food and I heard ‘Mom I don’t want ketchup’,” she said. “So I take the bag back thinking they’ve messed up our order and I look and see there is blood all over her bag, the hamburger, the toy, her fries, everything.”

She told me that while wearing plastic gloves, she immediately instructed the other person to spit out their food. Apparently, the person had eaten some fries and a small portion of their burger. As she inspected her own meal, she noticed blood on her food as well.

According to the Mirror, Tiffany reached out to the Burger King manager after discovering that a chef had cut his hand earlier that day. The manager admitted to the incident and offered a refund to Tiffany upon her return. Despite Tiffany’s concerns, the local health department informed her that there was little they could do in response to the incident. She shared her experience on social media.

Tiffany’s video has gone viral with over 3 million views. In the video, she explains that her daughter will need to undergo monthly blood tests for a year to ensure that she hasn’t contracted any bloodborne illness.

According to her statement, the Niagara County Department of Health got in touch with the Burger King location where the incident occurred. The manager confirmed that one of their workers had accidentally cut their finger, but didn’t believe it was bleeding significantly.

“The wait for a whole month to get my daughter tested for any blood issues is a serious issue,” the angry mother exclaimed.

Her Facebook post received a flurry of responses from hundreds of people who implied that the incident could potentially lead to a lawsuit.

One person gave advice to contact a solicitor immediately. They emphasized that a solicitor could help in getting a settlement to cover any medical testing costs and emotional distress caused by the incident. They also advised not to engage with Burger King until after consulting with a solicitor. Another person commented that the incident should be considered a bio-hazard and therefore, a lawsuit should be pursued since bodily fluids of any kind on food are unacceptable.

After the incident, Burger King’s headquarters stepped forward and offered to take care of all the medical expenses related to the incident. Tiffany, the concerned mother, expressed her dissatisfaction with this offer and told the New York Post, “We did tell Burger King that medical expenses were not enough. My daughter has not eaten anything since then, and my anxiety levels have skyrocketed. What if my daughter needs professional help to recover from this?”

Burger King has issued a response to the unsettling incident, expressing their concern and distress. In their statement, they have confirmed that they have been in touch with the affected guest and are actively working towards resolving the situation. According to the statement, the incident occurred due to an injury sustained by a team member who was working at the restaurant. The team member quickly stepped away upon realizing the situation.

“The company clarified that it had closed down the restaurant to facilitate the retraining of all team members and had also engaged an external firm to carry out a thorough cleaning.”

“Our anticipation is that the restaurant will resume operations on Monday, and we have committed to compensating all staff members for any missed shifts during this brief closure.”

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Scott Aust
Scott Aust is a dedicated journalist specializing in local news across Kansas State. As a writer for greatergc.com, he covers a diverse array of topics including crime, public safety, politics, and community events. Scott is committed to delivering precise and timely information, ensuring that the community stays well-informed.
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