The number of illegal border crossings from US-Canada increases with migrants heading to NYC.

Previously a humble rest stop for travelers on their way to the Adirondacks or Lake Champlain, the gas station in the quaint city of Plattsburgh, New York, has become a crucial way station for migrants. Located near the northern border, it’s the second-to-last stop on their arduous trek away from home.

On a summer night not too long ago, Stephanie Bertini from FOX 5 NY and photojournalist Lenny Torres discovered a group of migrants at a gas station located 30 miles away from the Canadian border and 300 miles from New York City. They found the group under the cover of darkness, highlighting the challenges and difficulties faced by migrants seeking a better life in a foreign land.

A gas station in Plattsburgh, New York, located approximately 30 miles away from the U.S.-Canada border, has become a common meeting point for migrants.

In fiscal year 2021, the northern border saw 916 illegal border crossings, which represents only a small portion of the overall surge. However, this fiscal year has seen a significant increase, with the number of illegal border crossings jumping to almost 13,000.

Bertini inquired from one of the few asylum seekers who were willing to speak on camera, “Are you planning to visit New York City?”

He responded with reluctance, “Yes.”

During an interview with FOX 5 NY’s Stephanie Bertini, a man who is believed to have crossed the U.S.-Canada border illegally shared his story.

FOX 5 NY focuses on the northern border as New York City grapples with the influx of migrants transported from the southern border. Asylum seekers can navigate through rural, grassy areas to enter Upstate New York, where they have easy access to buses and drivers willing to transport them to the bustling metropolis.

The U.S.-Canada border is an extensive land border that spans over 5,500 miles, making it the longest in the world. It is noteworthy that it is more than double the length of the U.S.-Mexico border to the south.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has stated to FOX 5 NY that there has been a surge in the number of individuals caught unlawfully crossing the northern border by USBP.

As individuals cross the U.S.-Canada border, they traverse through Clinton County, New York.

It is evident from the data that the increase is quite substantial. The figures for the 2024 fiscal year, covering the period between October 2023 and June 2024, show a staggering 16,459 encounters. This number has already exceeded the total figure for the last fiscal year, which recorded 10,021 encounters between October 2022 and September 2023, indicating a significant rise in border activity.

The number of apprehensions by Border Patrol agents in FY 2022 was a mere 2,238, while in FY 2021, the number was even lower at 916. Astonishingly, this translates to an almost 1,000% increase in just two years from 2021 to 2023.

Between October 2023 and May 2024, there were 1,278,722 recorded illegal crossings at the southern border, making the number of illegal crossings at the northern border pale in comparison. However, both local and federal officials express concern over the northern influx.

According to the 2020 U.S. Census Bureau data, Clinton County, situated in the northeastern part of New York, boasts vast state parks, forests, and lakes within its 1,000 square miles. Despite its stunning natural beauty, the county is sparsely populated with only around 80,000 residents.

The border between Canada and the United States is surprisingly unmarked, with no walls, fences, or significant barriers separating the two nations. It’s a perfect opportunity for those who want to cross illegally as they can easily hide among the trees and tall grasses, thus navigating the border undetected. According to Thomas Trombley, the town supervisor of Champlain, which is situated two miles from the border, it’s a “backdoor” to the United States.

“Locking doors wasn’t a common practice in this area back in the day, but it seems like times have changed,” remarked a local resident.

Major Nicholas Leon, Chief Deputy of Clinton County Sheriff’s Office, explained to FOX 5 NY that the reason for the surging numbers of illegal border crossings is due to the fact that there are long stretches of the border that simply don’t have enough personnel to cover them. He added that it’s easy for people to cross due to this lack of coverage.

Leon stated that Clinton County is at a higher risk, mainly because of its accessibility.

“He said that the northern border section is the most convenient for metropolitan areas in Canada, where individuals can easily fly into. Additionally, the border is easily accessible with a large pipeline leading directly to New York City.”

Who are the migrants crossing the New York-Canadian border?

Stephanie Bertini from FOX 5 NY, along with photojournalist Lenny Torres, attempted to converse with migrants who arrived at the gas station. Interestingly, the gas station is also located near a Trailways bus stop that provides direct transportation to the Port Authority Bus Terminal.

USCBP records show that migrants crossing the northern border come from various parts of the world. The majority of illegal crossings through Canada involve individuals from India, Mexico, Romania, Guatemala, Haiti, and Venezuela. During the interview, one man presented a document issued by the U.S. government, confirming that he had indeed crossed the border and migrated from India.

According to the report by FOX 5 NY‘s Migrants in America, numerous individuals are in dire need of finding a safe haven in New York City to escape the various challenges in their respective home countries. When Bertini and Torres attempted to inquire about their situations, they were met with silence, reluctance, and refusal. The migrants’ apprehension stemmed from their fear of the unfamiliar environment in this foreign land.

How are locals reacting? 

Regularly facing grievances from residents regarding migrants on their property, Trombley, as the town supervisor, encounters migrant individuals crossing through his own backyard. He remains unsure whether they are families in distress or individuals with a criminal past.

Trombley was asked by Bertini about the worries of the local residents living in the area.

He responded that the sheer number of individuals crossing the border is the main issue. It’s a constant problem that they have to deal with almost on a daily basis. As a school bus driver, he mentioned that there are rarely any mornings where he doesn’t hear a radio transmission asking the office to contact the Border Patrol. This is because they often spot groups of four, six or eight individuals walking down the town roads.

In these parts, calling Border Control has become a mundane activity. Joe Ashline, a resident of Clinton County, shared that he frequently captures images of migrants on his deer camera.

Joe Ashline captured footage of migrants crossing the border and trekking through his property using his deer camera.

According to him, people in the area don’t really have a problem with shyness, but they are more concerned about safety. He mentioned that in the past, there was no need to lock doors, but now it has become a necessity. As he put it, “They just walk down the street… You got to lock everything.”

“He said that she was feeling hungry.”

By the numbers

46.1 million

According to the Census Bureau, approximately 14% of the entire U.S. population is comprised of immigrants, including both legal and illegal foreign-born individuals.

11 million

It is believed that there is a considerable number of individuals living in the country without proper documentation or legal status. These people are commonly referred to as immigrants who are in the country illegally. The exact number of these individuals is not known, but estimates suggest that it is a significant portion of the population. The lack of proper documentation and legal status can make it difficult for these individuals to access basic services and opportunities.

1.6 million

According to a report by the Associated Press, the Border Patrol has released a staggering number of migrants with notices to appear in immigration court – a number that reaches up to millions from January 2022 to April 2024. Additionally, approximately 600,000 individuals were released through presidential powers called “parole.” Furthermore, in late 2022, the Biden administration allowed entry to an additional 1 million migrants through newly established or expanded legal channels, utilizing parole authority at land crossings or airports. These migrants were granted the opportunity to stay in the country for up to two years and secure work authorization immediately.


Since the spring of 2022, there has been a significant increase in the number of migrants who have recently arrived. This surge can be attributed in part to the actions of Gov. Greg Abbott, who sent busloads of people at the expense of the state.

$5.1 billion

According to a New York Times report, New York has spent a substantial amount of money in order to manage the recent influx of migrants.


From October 2023 to June 2024, the U.S.-Canada border has seen a certain number of individuals being apprehended.


In the fiscal year 2021, which spans from October 2020 to September 2021, the U.S.-Canada border saw a certain number of individuals apprehended.


Between October 2023 and May 2024, the U.S.-Mexico border apprehended a certain number of individuals.

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Scott Aust
Scott Aust is a dedicated journalist specializing in local news across Kansas State. As a writer for, he covers a diverse array of topics including crime, public safety, politics, and community events. Scott is committed to delivering precise and timely information, ensuring that the community stays well-informed.
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