Gov. Tony Evers Joins 26 Governors In Sending Letter Supporting Wisconsin Childcare Funding

On Tuesday, Governor Tony Evers took the lead in a bipartisan effort with 26 other governors to send a letter supporting the passage of the Strengthening State and Tribal Child Support Enforcement Act.

The proposed legislation aims to enhance the capacity of state, Tribal, and local child support agencies to cater to the needs of families.

According to officials, contractors in Wisconsin currently have access to FTI to assist with the Federal Tax Offset Refund program. This program enables states to intercept tax refunds of parents who are delinquent on their child support payments.

However, the access granted to these contractors is scheduled to come to an end on October 1. Governor Evers has signed a letter advocating for the continuation of their access to tax information.

Experts have reported that federal tax offset collected over $1.6 billion in child support obligations during the federal fiscal year of 2023. Shockingly, only a meager amount of $32.5 million was allocated to families in Wisconsin.

Failure to pass this proposed legislation will result in further funding disparities.

In regards to the impact on children, Governor Tony Evers expressed the significance of this program.

Governor Evers expressed that Wisconsin’s child support program is crucial in providing every child the necessary support to flourish. However, the existing federal law that restricts contractors and Tribal child support agencies from obtaining federal tax information is endangering millions of families.

Wisconsin families could lose millions of dollars if the legislation is not passed by October, according to officials.

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