Wisconsin Man Apprehended For His Fourth OWI Offense After Leading Police On A Chase In Manitowoc County Early In The Morning

A man from Wisconsin, aged 33, was taken into custody on Monday after he led deputies from Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department on a pursuit spanning 14.5 miles.

As per a statement, officials were dispatched to the junction of West Zander Road and County Highway B in Gibson Township. The complaint reported a truck driving in the incorrect lane with the driver asleep or unconscious at the wheel.

The deputy present at the scene took several measures to ensure the operator’s well-being and ensure that they were not experiencing any medical emergencies. Numerous attempts were made to grab the operator’s attention.

The man eventually woke up and acknowledged the presence of the deputy. He then revved up the truck’s motor and took off, leaving the deputy behind.

The police pursuit began after the officers noticed clear indications of impairment and open intoxicants in the vehicle. The chase lasted for approximately nine minutes and covered a distance of around 14.5 miles towards the northeast of Manitowoc County.

The tire deflation device was effectively deployed by additional responding authorities, which played a crucial role in slowing down and ultimately stopping the pursuit.

Authorities took a 33-year-old man from Gibson into custody and brought him to Manitowoc County Jail. The man is facing charges, which include:

    • Operating While Intoxicated – 4th Offense
    • Flee/Elude Officer
    • Second-Degree Reckless Endangering Safety
    • Operating a Motor Vehicle With a Suspended License
    • Open Intoxicants in a Motor Vehicle

At present, the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Office is still conducting an investigation into this incident, and there are no further updates available.

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