State leaders in Alabama are expressing concern following two recent mass shootings in the state. The incidents have raised alarm and prompted officials to take action.
Over the weekend, four individuals lost their lives in a shooting incident that took place in Birmingham. Similarly, on Thursday, a shooting in Bibb County resulted in the tragic death of five people, including four young children.
In the wake of two devastating mass shootings in Alabama that claimed nine lives, State Representative Kenyatté Hassell (D-Montgomery) is speaking up about the issue of gun violence. According to Hassell, the solution to this problem lies within families.
Hassell emphasized the importance of strengthening families and having a solid family structure. He believes that if he knows of family members involved in certain activities, he can approach them and encourage them to put their weapons down. Hassell believes that the community as a whole can contribute to reducing gun violence by taking a holistic approach.
According to State Rep. Russell Bedsole (R-Alabaster), who also serves in law enforcement, gun violence can be linked to multiple factors. However, he believes that the underlying cause is pure evil, which society must strive to tackle.
Bedsole suggested that certain factors need to be considered when looking at whether the incident occurred in an urban or rural setting. He also raised the question of whether it was a direct result of other criminal activity.
According to Hassell, mentoring our youth is a grassroots method of supporting our communities.
Hassell emphasized the significance of family as the first institution created by God. He believes that by reverting to these values, we can bring positive changes to our society without incurring any financial costs. “I tell people that the institution of family is God’s first institution,” Hassell stated. “If we get back to some of those values, it won’t cost us a dime. It’s just a matter of prioritizing the importance of family.”
According to Bedsole, legislators are exploring strategies to engage with young individuals at an early stage to prevent them from being influenced by illicit activities.
Bedsole believes that the early exposure of children to certain things is one of the reasons behind the cycle of violence. “But I can tell you, at the end of the day,” he said.
According to Bedsole, it is crucial that we communicate with each other using empathy and respect, regardless of the topic of discussion or disagreement.