Humidity levels have risen, leading to a higher chance of daily rainfall in Columbus, Georgia, following a dry spell without any rain or storms for several days. This change in weather patterns has brought a much-needed relief to the area, which had been experiencing a lack of precipitation lately.
Monday’s weather forecast includes a blend of sunshine and clouds. Along with the warm and humid conditions, there may be a possibility of showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon and evening hours. The rainfall is expected to be around 30 to 40%. The temperatures will be in the mid-90s during the early to mid-afternoon, with heat indices reaching about 105 degrees.
Expect a mostly cloudy night with a possibility of showers and storms until around 10 PM. The lows for early Tuesday are forecasted to be in the low to mid 70s.
On Tuesday, we can expect a repeat of yesterday’s weather with temperatures ranging from 93 to 95 degrees. There is also a chance of showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon and evening hours, with rain coverage expected to be around 30 to 40%.
Throughout the week, we can expect an increase in rainfall, particularly on Thursday and Friday, as a front moves towards Alabama and Georgia, causing it to slow down. Although the humidity will persist, temperatures are expected to decrease slightly with highs reaching the upper 80s and close to 90 degrees.
There’s a good chance that we will experience scattered showers and storms over the weekend and possibly in the coming days. Although it’s not guaranteed that it will rain every day in your area, there’s a hope that we will have a few rainy days within the next week.